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The Definition of Spinal stenosis is a narrowing of the space called the spinal canal, a small space in the backbone that contains the spinal cord and the sensory and motor nerve roots. Cervical stenosis occurs when the spinal canal narrows and compresses the spinal cord and is most frequently caused by aging. The discs in the spine that separate and cushion vertebrae may dry out. As a result, the space between the vertebrae shrinks, and the discs lose their ability to act as shock absorbers. At the same time, the bones and ligaments that make up the spine become less pliable and thicken. These changes result in a narrowing of the spinal canal. In addition, the degenerative changes associated with cervical stenosis can affect the vertebrae by contributing to the growth of bone spurs that compress the nerve roots. The main causes of cervical spinal stenosis include cervical spondylosis, diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis (DISH), or calcification of the posterior longitudinal

Cervical Spinal Stenosis

Treatment Options

Minimal Invasive Procedure: Bonati Procedure:        Open Procedure:

  • Smaller incision (1/2-1 inch)                                                                Large incision (6-12 inches)

  • Outpatient procedure                                                                          Hospital stay

  • Minimal Anesthesia                                                                             General Anesthesia

  •                                                                                                                 Muscle stripping

  • Less blood loss during surgery                                                          Blood loss

  • Reduced risk of infection                                                                    Higher infection rate

  • Reduced post-operative pain                                                             More post-operative pain

  • Shorter recovery time                                                                         Longer recovery period

  • Faster return to daily activities, including work               

  • Fewer complications and lower risk.

The Bonati Procedure

 The Bonati Procedure is a patented procedure that has been utilized for more than 40,000 surgeries associated with the cervical, thoracic and lumbar spine pathologies.  According to an ongoing study completed by our previous patients, the success rate of our treatments and procedures is over 90%. Our procedures are unique for the Bonati patients.  Many facilities have attempted to duplicate our procedures and results, but have been unsuccessful.



 The procedure uses a minimally invasive approach –which is a term for a group of procedures performed through small incisions.


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