Dr. Alfred O. Bonati Teaching Presentations
“Treatment of the Frozen Shoulder Using Arthroscopic Surgery” International Symposium for Orthopedic Surgeons, Beijing, China, 11/85
“Treatment of the Frozen Shoulder Using Arthroscopic Surgery” Them Ol’ Bones, St. Luke’s Medical Center, Scottsdale, AZ, 03/87
“Treatment of the Frozen Shoulder Using Arthroscopic Surgery” Southern Medical Association, San Antonio, TX, 11/87
“Shoulder Acromionectomy,“ “Percutaneous Discectomy” and “Arthroscopic Class on Repair of Rotator Cuff Tears” Presented to the American Academy of Neurological Orthopedic Surgeons, Las Vegas, NV, 11/88
“Decompression Foramenostomy” Publ. 3rd International Back Pain Congress, Amsterdam, Holland, 06/89
“Arthroscopic Nuclectomy“ presented to the Australian Orthopedic Association, Sydney, Australia, 09/89
“Foramenostomy” Symposium Sobre Prevencion del Dolor de Esplada en el Medio Laboral Lambalgia: Aspectos Practicos, Barcelona, Spain, 89
“Arthroscopic Nuclectomy,” “Bonati Decompression Foramenostomy” and “Cervical Discectomy” presented at the International Therapy Society, Marbella, Spain, 03/90
“Decompression Foramenostomy” presented at the Florida Orthopedic Society, Captiva Island, FL, 04/90
“Percutaneous Discectomy Procedure” American Back Society, Spring Symposium on Back Pain, Chicago, IL, 05/90
“Percutaneous Cervical Discectomy” and “Arthroscopic Nuclectomy” presented as the VI International Rehabilitation Medicine Association Congress, Madrid, Spain, 06/90
“Lumbar Foramenectomy Procedure” and “Cervical Discectomy” presented at the International Symposium: New Developments in Lumbar Spine Surgery and Low Back Pain Treatment, Munich, Germany, 11/90
“Cervical Discectomy,” “Arthroscopic Nuclectomy” and “Lumbar Foramenectomy Procedure” presented at the XVII Symposium Internacional de Traumatologia-Ortopedia MAPFRE, Madrid, Spain, 11/90
“Percutaneous Cervical Discectomy Workshop and Joint Arthroscopic Seminar Workshop Hands-on Session” co-chaired at the American Academy of Neurology and Orthopedic Surgery 14th Annual Scientific Conventions, Las Vegas, NV, 12/90
“Percutaneous Cervical Discetomy” American Back Society, Fall Symposium- Back Pain, San Francisco, CA, 12/90
“Percutaneous Discectomy” Florida Orthopedic Society 43rd Annual Scientific Meeting, Lake Buena Vista, FL, 05/89
“Cervical Discectomy” presented at the 4th Annual Meeting of the International Intradiscal Therapy Society, Houston, TX, 04/91
“Cervical Discectomy” presented at the 64th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Orthopedic Association, Kyoto, Japan, 04/91
Lumbar Laser Arthroscopic Discectomy” and Cervical Laser Arthroscopic Disecetomy” presented and chaired program at the 1st International Symposium: Lasers in Orthopedic Surgery, San Francisco, CA, 09/91
“Arthroscopic Lumbar Laser Discectomy” presented at European Spine Society 2nd Annual Meeting, Rome, Italy, 11/91
“Arthroscopic Lumbar Laser Discectomy,” “Laser Arthroscopic Discectomy, “ and “Use of the Holmium-YAG Laser in Chondroplasty” International Symposium of New Developments in Knee and Spine Surgery, Munich, Germany, 11/91
“Lasers for Orthopedic Surgery” presented at Grant Center, Columbus, OH, 01/92
“Arthroscopic Lumbar Laser Discectomy” 65th Annual Meeting of Japanese Orthopedic Association, Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan, 04/92
“Arthroscopic Lumbar Laser Discectomy” Chairman and President, International Meeting Low Back Pain, Aalborg, Denmark, 06/92
“Arthroscopic Lumbar Laser Discectomy” American Society Lasers in Surgical and Medical 13th Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, 04/93
“Arthroscopic Lumbar Laser Discectomy” and “Cervical Discectomy” FREMAP, Prevention Rehabilitation, Seville, Spain, 04/93
“Arthroscopic Lumbar Laser Discectomy: 50 Patients -6 Months Post-Operative,” 55th Annual Meeting of the International College of Surgeons –U.S. Section, Seattle, WA, 08/93
“Arthroscopic Lumbar Laser Discectomy” and “Cervical Discectomy” presented at the 3rd International Symposium –New Developments in Spine Surgery, Munich, Germany, 09/93
“Arthroscopic Cervical Discectomy: Surgical Procedure and Operation Results” Florida Orthopedic Society, Manalapan, FL, 11/93
“Arthroscopic Cervical Discectomy” and “Arthroscopic Lumbar Laser Discectomy” XX Symposium Internacional de Traumatologia– Ortopedia FREMAP, Madrid, Spain, 11/93
“Arthroscopic Lumbar Laser Discectomy” 12th Course for Percutaneous Endoscopic Spinal Surgery, Medical School, Orthopedic University Clinic of Ablagrist, Zurich, Switzerland, 12/93
“How Important is Laser Surgery in Cervical Disc Pathology?” Cirugia Laser en la Patologia Articular, Universidad de Cordoba, Spain, 02/94
“Arthroscopic Cervical Discectomy” 56th Annual Meeting of The International College of Surgery, US Section, Cleveland, OH, 06/94
“Arthroscopic Lumbar Laser Discectomy” 25th FIMS World Congress of Sports Medicine, Athens, Greece, 09/94
“Arthroscopic Lumbar Laser Discectomy” 1st International Congress of the International Muskuloskeletal Laser Society, IMLAS, Neufchatel, Switzerland, 09/04
“Arthroscopic Lumbar Laser Discectomy” European Spine Society 6th Annual Meeting, Noordwijkaan Zee, Holland, 09/95
“Arthroscopic Cervical Discectomy” 4th International Spine Symposium, Munich, Germany, 09/95
“Arthroscopic Cervical Discectomy” 12th National Congress of the Italian Group of Arthroscopic , Perugia, Italy, 09/95
“Back Injuries” National Worker’s Compensation Convention, Chicago, IL, 11/96